Sunday 4 December 2016

Top 5 travel highlights in Cambodia

With 12 days travel split between Siem Reap and Phnom Penh, and a lot of experiences packed in it was a difficult task to come up with 5 highlights.  I hope you find this list of value, and to note consistent with this blog, I have focused on experiences that are fit for families travelling in Cambodia.

#5 Ta Prohm

The temple made famous by Tombraider is a mystical delight of Khmer architecture, twists, turns, vines and trees.  Get there at 7:30 AM and enjoy this mystical temple.

#4 Urbanforage 

Expat Australian Sonya Duck leads an awesome tour of night markets and much more in Phnom Penh.  Get the insiders view and experience an interesting and exceedingly tasty side of Phnom Penh

#3 Engaging with the Cambodian people

Not one experience, but multiple.  For all of the hardship they have been through, the Cambodian people are engaging, optimistic and decent.  Whenever you can take a minute to talk to a local, they are really interested in foreigners and love sharing stories about family.

As a predominantly Buddhist nation they believe in Karma - they will give to you, so giving back, sharing a smile or a kind gesture is just a small way of engaging, showing respect and a great part of your holiday in Cambodia.

#2 Tonle Sap Floating villages

Like  being in another world.  We did this impromptu with no expectations and it delivered in spades. Combine your tour of the floating villages with the sunset on Tonle Sap lake for a magical and truly fascinating side of Cambodian life.

#1 Angkor Wat Sunrise

If you do one thing in Cambodia, get up early for the Angkor Wat sunrise.  You won't be alone, but there is a reason for that it is one of the great travel experiences our world has to offer.  Followed straight up with a tour of Angkor Wat you will be in Temple heaven.  Fascinating, scenic and magical.

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